Why You Need a CDM Advisor for Your Construction Projects Under CDM 2015
The Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2015 (CDM 2015) are designed to improve health and safety in the construction industry. …

Construction and Demolition Safety
CONTENT_BLOG 001_4th JUNE 2024

Why You Should Engage the Services of a CDM Advisor
Why You Should Engage the Services of a CDM Advisor (Safety CDM Ltd) for Your Construction Projects Under CDM 2015 …

Crafting the Perfect Construction Management Plan: A Guide for Meeting Planning Department Requirements
Crafting the Perfect Construction Management Plan: A Guide for Meeting Planning Department Requirements Introduction A Construction Management Plan (CMP) isn’t …

Why Daily Plant Machine Inspections are essential under the PUWER and LOLER Regulations
Introduction to PUWER and LOLER Regulations

Principal Contractor Responsibilities under the CDM Regulations
While the Principal Designer takes charge of the pre-construction phase of the project, the Principal Contractor takes the lead during the construction phase. Clients should appoint this role to a contractor with the necessary skills, experience, and training to manage the construction while ensuring health and safety standards are met. The Principal Contractor will have all of the same responsibilities as contractors, plus a few more:

CITB Approved training courses that can be taken entirely online without needing to travel for courses. Call 07984 019979 or …

The Benefits of Regular Construction Site Health and Safety Audits
Checking Site Safe to identify potential hazards

Designer Responsibilities under the CDM Regulations
Designer Responsibilities under the CDM RegulationsDesigners are any individuals or organisations that provide or alter designs for a project. They …

Construction Cable Management Systems
Slips and trips are regularly the biggest single cause of reported injuries in the construction industry. In addition to several …