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Construction Phase Health and Safety Plan.
A construction phase plan (CPP) ensures that consideration is given to health and safety issues throughout a project’s development in order to minimise the level or risk of harm to those who build, use and maintain the structure. This is a requirement under the Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2015 (CDM 2015) for every construction project.
It is the responsibility of the Principal Contractor to prepare this when there is more than one contractor on the site, and the level of detail is dependent on the project and how long it is intended to be. In circumstances where there is only one contractor, this should be drawn up or arranged by them.
Assistance with this preparation will guarantee you are operating with compliance to the CDM2015 Regulations for your peace of mind. When you have this in place, it will ensure that your workforce and any visitors to the site are working within a safe environment.
As part of this service, we can offer regular visits to the site, so that the construction phase plan can be continually reviewed and updated if necessary. This can be important as projects develop and the associated hazards change.
As part of this service, we can offer regular visits to the site, so that the construction phase plan can be continually reviewed and updated if necessary. This can be important as projects develop and the associated hazards change.
The Construction Phase Plan outlines the health and safety arrangements and any site rules associated with any activities taking place on site. It incorporates construction planning and management, construction site management plan, construction safety management plan, all under the construction regulations. The plan should address arrangements for managing the risks, and it should be easy to understand, with key information and any procedures to be outlined within the document, using CDM expertise from Safety CDM Ltd who specialize in construction health and safety under the CDM 2015 Regulations will ensure you stay compliant.
For Construction Health and Safety Consulting, please contact us: